Rack Outdoor
The outdoor version of the Rack Supports multiple scroll, semi-hermetic and screw compressors. Structurally designed to withstand harsh outdoor weather, Option for horizontal receiver and branch circuits.
Outdoor rated electrical panel
The outdoor version of the Rack Supports multiple scroll, semi-hermetic and screw compressors. Structurally designed to withstand harsh outdoor weather, including an outdoor rated electrical panel. Option for horizontal receiver and branch circuits.
- Structural steel and galvanized sheet metal housing
- Scroll, semi-hermetic or screw compressors
- Compressors are protected with breakers
- Crankcase heater per compressor
- Phase monitor per compressor
- Suction headers oversized to function as accumulators
- Catch-All suction filter per compressor
- Discharge thermostats per compressor
- Low and high pressure safeties per compressor
- Discharge vibrasorber per compressor for ease of compressor removal
- Coalescent oil separator for high-efficiency oil separation
- Discharge thermostats per compressor
- Low and high pressure safeties per compressor
- Differential pressure gauge for indicating the state of the oil separator filter
- Discharge check valve to prevent back flow of gas from the condenser
- All suction pipes insulated at factory
- Charged with helium and leak checked
- Vacuumed below 500 microns and held for 24hrs
- Shipped with holding pressure of nitrogen
- Vibration pads to prevent transfer of vibration from the LINK (shipped loose)
- All components UL certified
- Copeland, Carlyle and Bitzer compressors
- Horizontal or vertical receiver
- Branch circuits (air, electric and hot gas defrost)
- Mechanical subcooling
- Heat reclaim
- Electronic oil management system per compressor
- Cross over CPR/check valve for load capacity control between suction groups
- CPC, Micro thermo, Danfoss and other controllers
- Control boards for evaporator monitoring and control
- Run proofs for compressors
- Remote defrost panel
- Mounted disconnect switch
- Mounted 3-way valve, head pressure regulating valves, flooding valves and other piping instruments